Swiss Railway
Hotel Le Grand Chalet Leysin Hotel
Hotel Tour D’Ai Leysin Hotel
Swiss Alpine Club Mountain Huts
Hotel des Lacs Chamonix
French Alpine Club Mountain Huts in France
Hotel la Barme Cogne based in Val d’Aosta
Fablab Lyngen Alps
Conditions and Weather
Swiss Weather Forecast
Swiss Avalanche Forecast
French Weather and Avalanche Forecast
Chamonix Weather Forecast
Val D’Aosta Weather and Avalanche Forecast
Online Maps and Guide Books
Swiss Map
French Map
Austrian Map
Norwegian Map
Camp to Camp Online guidebook
Avalanche Information
White Risk Avalanche education
Swiss Mountain Training Avalanche Training Certification

“Water To Go” Water filtration bottles.
As we know single use plastic are bad for the environment.
Often in the mountain huts there is a good supply of water although it is not tested or guaranteed to be drinkable.
The hut guardians sell bottled mineral water but this has an extremely high transportation cost (in terms of environmental damage and money).
You can avoid the high cost of purchasing this water whilst doing your bit for our planet by using the water filtration systems sold by “Water To Go.
Clients can benefit from a 15% discount.
I would recommend buying the bigger 75cl bottle.